Friday, April 1, 2011

It's been a while

I can never remember to write on here anymore. Still eating some gluten free, I am trying to eat a little each day, but not a lot. I think I might have just been eating WAYY to much for my system. On Monday, I started counting calories and that's going good! I have been working out, so hopefully my plan to lose this extra baggage will happen! I did an abs work-out on Wednesday and I am STILL sore! But, no pain, no gain! I just need to lose all this extra weight! It's not healthy for me and I want it GONE! I am going to Greece in 28 days and I could not be more excited! I do need to start packing soon tho, need to make sure I have EVERYTHING!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So, I have never been so invested in American Idol until this year! I have always loved Steven Tyler, so when I heard he was going to be on, I knew I'd be watching. I am pretty bummed to see Jaycee Badeaux and Chris Medina get cut! ((insert sad face)) However, I was VERY happy to see Casey Abrams, James Durbin, Scotty McCreery and Paul McDonalds made it! I am just hoping they can make it thru tonight!! I have not been following the girls as much, its all about the guys for me this year. I think they need to have an Idol with ONLY guys!

If I had to choose my top two, it would probably be Casey and Scotty! They both in my eyes are amazing! There is something about Casey I love!!! :-)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gluten Free Day Two and Three

Let me first state that I am feeling sooo much better!!! I am no longer bloated, no longer spending time in the bathroom after eating and I feel like I have more energy.

Day Two: Woke up in the morning and wanted to try out my new smoothie maker. I make myself a strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, orange juice and coconut milk smoothie! It was AMAZING!!! I also had 2 eggs for breakfast. For lunch, I went to Glory Days with my neighbor to watch the Steelers game. I had a burger with Grilled mushrooms & onions under melted Swiss cheese with NO BUN. I had veggies and some french fries. OMG, burger was AMAZING!!!! For dinner I had more eggs because I was too tired to cook anything else. But I also have an apple with my egg. ((Bayley loves apples!))

Day Three: My first day at work. I started the day off with a strawberry and banana smoothie. . Lunch I had ham and cheese quesadilla on a corn tortilla. It was AMAZING. I also has some yogurt. My snack was a yummy apple. For dinner I had Annie's Homegrown Gluten Free Rice Pasta with Cheddar! That pasta is AMAZING!!!! I highly recommend it to everyone who just wants a little change.

I am so happy with this lifestyle change I making. I can already feel myself feeling better. I am no longer stick to my stomach all the time. It feels great! and I am only on Day FOUR!

Tonight, I am making tacos! :0)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gluten Free Day ONE

Well, needless to say, today was overwhelming. I woke up and said "what am I going to eat today??" I went to my kitchen and just looked.....I ended up getting dressed and going to Whole Foods in Springfield. That was a total bust. I ended up getting a bunch of fruit and Tinkyada (which is rice pasta). Came home and had a melt down. Calmed down and went to Wegmans (where I should have went first). I ended up getting a bunch of Wegman's brand food. They reason why I love Wegmans so much is because all of their food have Wegmans Wellness Keys. So I am able to go down the aisles and see if it is gluten free just by the G on the bag. Let's just hope this diet will work for me. I will be updating the blog on my progress more. For me, this is my new life. However the good thing is I can eat all the fruits and veggies I want!!!

Happy new year and a gluten free year!!

LET'S GO CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!